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KMID : 0359020120450040417
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2012 Volume.45 No. 4 p.417 ~ p.420
Intramural Hematoma of the Esophagus after Endoscopic Pinch Biopsy
Jeong Eun-Soo

Kim Min-Jeong
Yoo Seung-Hyen
Kim Dong-Hyun
Jung Jin-Sung
Koo Nam-Ho
Chang Se-Heon
Intramural hematoma of the esophagus (IHE) is an uncommon form of esophageal injury, which may be an intermediate of mucosal tear (Mallory-Weiss syndrome) or transmural rupture (Boerhaave¡¯s syndrome). To date, the pathogenesis of IHE has not been well documented. IHE may occur within the submucosal layer of the esophagus following dissection of the mucosa. The most commonly presented symptoms are sudden retrosternal pain, dysphagia and hematemesis. The disorder can occur spontaneously or secondarily to trauma. In this report, we present a case of IHE which occurred after endoscopic biopsy and was recovered following conservative management in a patient who was taking long-term aspirin medication.
Esophagus, Intramural hematoma, Endoscopic biopsy, Aspirin
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